24 March 2018

One Year Later

Well this year has certainly brought a lot of changes, when I started this 40 before 40 idea I knew that a move to the US was on the horizon. I didn’t think it would take nearly as long as it did you get Lohana here, but moving back to the US and getting somewhat established really took a lot of energy out of me and my list certainly reflects that.

I guess to some these are excuses, but the fact that is doing stuff is hard. So as an aside since March 2017 I moved back from Costa Rica, worked 2 jobs over the summer in Wisconsin Dells before landing a wonderful job with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) in Portage. My wife has been in the US since November and that has been nothing short of an adventure every day. She is a wonderful woman who I fall more in love with every day.

Since the list of completions is short here is a brief rundown (excuses included)

Better me:

#1 – 8 Big goose egg.

#9 – Gotten to 5 of the planned 20. This seems on par for over the 4 years. However, the challenge is places like Devil’s Lake are so beautiful I go back there before I explore a new location. Lots of time left!

#10 – 13 We have a lot of traveling to do in the next three years.
#14 – I have a job where social media and name recognition come as part of the role, meaning this will be incredibly difficult to achieve in my current position. I have considered modifying it to only be work related posting, but these lines are extremely difficult to draw.

#15 – Since January 1, 2018 I have not had a single drop of alcohol. I have taken to drinking craft sodas when out in public and lots of water

Maybe being from Wisconsin, maybe being back in Wisconsin, but it is undeniable that we live in a drinking culture. I know this comes as no surprise, but it is so engrained in most everything that we do.

Not drinking I have become hyper sensitive to this reality, when we go out for fish on Fridays I would normally have a beer, when I fire up the grill it is time for a drink, family gatherings, friends meeting up. Alcohol is really the thing we do when we are celebrating, gathering as friends and family, or even the thing we do when we don’t know what we should be doing.

At the risk of sounding sanctimonious, although I have also responsibly used alcohol and it has been part of some fun memories. Most of the decisions are regret throughout my life have somehow involved alcohol as well. Generally lowered inhibitions and lack of caring gave way to terrible decisions or regrets later.

I think the worst part of this is that I used alcohol in replacement of genuine social interactions. The alcohol in some cases became the focus of the good times, instead of living in the moment, connecting with the people around me, and living my best life. This isn’t to say that I am not going to drink ever again, or that I will be sober for the rest of my life, but I would like to think that

#16 – Nope, not yet.

#17 – It is undeniable my study of the bible has increased, that my faith has grown exponentially and that digging deeper into the scriptures than ever before in my life. However, in this goal I am trudging through the heavy front books and am into Numbers. The suggestion was made to look for God’s grace, God’s mercy, and God’s justice in the old testament and moving forward that is exactly what I am going to do.

#18 – 20 More traveling, not yet, not yet.

#21 – Words are so important. The things any of us say daily, they can build up, they can tear down, words are easily misinterpreted or manipulated. My intent is not to make this a pointed post about the state of national politics, or what is happening in the larger world regarding truth. Those things weigh so heavily on my heart and I pray for the pain we intentionally cause one in the quest to be right, or prove someone else is wrong.

This goal is focused on the way that I interact with the world around me. With my family and friends. Even within our own relationships there are chances to know better than the other person, to break each other down instead of build each other up. No one is perfect, and we all have our days, but I am hopeful that me being around is an overall positive experience for those I interact with.

#22 –  Again not yet

#23 –  We are growing a garden, though this will still be a challenge. But it will happen.

#24 – Continuing to seek options

#25 – There are so many great touring acts, in addition to seeing Brother Ali last year and Nick Offerman stand up, I relived a part of my college years with a Pat McCurdy show.

#26 –  Fail! I am terrible at this, oh well.

Better World

#1 – I attended a murder mystery party, it was as fun as I thought it would be! I can’t wait to host one.

#2 – The world is a painful place. I have taken small steps trying to make people laugh, trying to bless their days

#3 – These hand written notes were the easiest one. I have done 8 of the 16. It really is fun to tell people all the things you like about them and appreciate. I HIGHLY recommend you do this, even if it isn’t via hand written notes. Show them, tell them, do something! Life is too short.
#4 – Working on it.

#5 – 7 This year I started a new job for a nonprofit, so my fundraising goals focused a little more on making the CASA Budget. I have been overwhelmed at the support that my friends and family have stepped up to provide to me in this new role. I am proud to say that with your help we have raised $2430 for Columbia County CASA. I am literally $70 away from my first $2500 goal, and although not to one of the places I originally thought, I will change focuses throughout the next few years. As the Executive Director of a small non profit, I can tell you that this money really means a lot to our organization.

#8 Р#13 This job has literally sucked away my time. I have been active and helping at church, I volunteered a few hours at the food pantry, but a new strategy is definitely in order. What you do with your time, where you spend you time, HOW you spend it it is so unimaginably important. At the risk of getting too clich̩, we have a finite amount of minutes in this world, be the best you for each one.

#14 – Still working on this…hehehe

Though the check marks are not racking up at the pace I had intended. I still encourage everyone to write a list of things that they want to do. Maybe not as extensive as a 4-year program, what about within the month, within the year, or maybe 5 years out. I always thought that motivational speakers and guidance counselors were full of garbage when they talk about a 5-year plan. I know for me, writing this list meant that I also had to face the fact that I may fail. That is the reality and since I did not complete some of the yearly goals such as the amount of time I wanted to volunteer for various causes, that is OK.

The larger take away is these goals, this direction is no longer some far off “someday” today can be someday! Every day is someday!

Thank you all for being part of my journey and here is to another year!

13 March 2017

Better Me, Better World

On March 12, 2021 I will be turning 40 years old, a short 4 years from today. For many reasons (including the age of my coworkers) I have been contemplating what that means. The truth it, it means nothing. Age is just a number and it is far less important what you do with any of the time given to you.

When I think about where I was 4 years ago, 14 years ago or 24 years ago. It goes without saying that I am a different person. If you had told 22-year-old me that at the age of 29 I was going to have a transformative, life changing encounter with God, would form a personal relationship with Christ, and accept a position with Strong Missions working in Costa Rica to better the lives of children and families through faith, prayer, and empowerment…that 22 year old would have laughed in your face and probably spouted something about the opiate of the people, people who hypocritically use the bible to hate others, or perhaps religion being a social construct to oppress the masses and find meaning in an otherwise meaningless world.

Many of you reading this may have known me at that time in my life, or even longer. That is where I was at, I own it. There is no doubt I made some mistakes, I was rude, obnoxious, and worst of all hurtful to people around me at times. However, I take pride in investing in personal growth since that time and hope that if I have hurt you in the past, you know that I am truly sorry. I find myself in an amazing place with my wife, my best friend, and soulmate at my side as we strike out to carve our future together. If any of you would like to hear the testimony of my faith journey, where I was, or where I am, I am always more than happy to share just let me know!

As I was pondering the path my life has taken, I came across an interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson where he said “I fear living a life where I could’ve accomplished something and didn’t. That’s what I fear. It is the knowledge that I am going to die that creates the focus that I bring to being alive. The urgency of accomplishment, the need to express love now, not later.” Whether you are a Christian or member of any religion that believes in an afterlife, it is undeniable that the next life will be completely different than this one. Maybe you are an atheist who believes after our eyes close and our heart beats its last, that is it. I have many friends all over this spectrum but these words apply to us all. Live your life, make your life the best if can be, because one day it will be over in this form and you don’t want any what ifs.

That is when I started pondering what I am doing to make the world a better place. I have been blessed to see first-hand the impact that sharing love, faith, and kindness can have on the life of a person. But as I wrap up my time with Strong Missions, I don’t want that to stop as well. It doesn’t always mean huge sweeping reforms in the world, sometimes it means just being an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on. A shared cup of coffee and the knowledge that someone understands. These too can be things that make all the difference.

So today, for my 36th birthday I have created a list I have been working for a while, this is my 40 before 40 list that hopefully creates a better me and a better world. My goal is to complete this list on or before my 40th birthday. The list is separated into two categories: Better Me and Better World and am putting some requirements in that I will note during the list. For instance, I will try my best to have the runs I complete be part of a fundraiser for a charity or organization.

My other goal was tangible, but realistically accomplishable goals. I will admit that it was hard to not turn this list into a bucket list of every supercool thing that I want to do in life. There are too many sources of beauty in this world. I love traveling so it is on there, but it is by no means the end of the list of where I would like to travel. This list will still take dedication, work, and sacrifice, it will also take support from my wife with whom I want to share many of these adventures.

As I/We complete these goals I will be taking pictures and writing a blurb about completion and sharing that here, so subscribe if you would like to be on my mailing list and receive periodic updates.

So without further ado, here is my Better Before 40 list with notes about why they are important to me.

Better Me

  1. Skydive
    • This is number 1 on my bucket list
  2. Complete a 5k
  3. Complete 8k
  4. Complete a 10k
  5. Complete a half Marathon
  6. Complete a full marathon
    • This is a progressive latter of completions in which I would like to keep challenging myself through completion of the previous race. 
  7. Take 8 state Capitol Tours – 2 per year
    • My long term goal is to visit al 50 state capitals and do that tour.
  8. Dip a foot in all 5 great lakes
  9. Visit 20 Wisconsin/Minnesota State Parks
  10. See Niagara Falls
  11. See the Grand Canyon
  12. See Machu Picchu
  13. Visit Hawaii
  14. Stay off Facebook for 1 month
    • I would like to physically connect with people during these times.
  15. Be completely sober for 1 year
    • I am certainly not an alcoholic, but instead of using things like alcohol to alter my mind, I will invest that time in completing the other items on this list.
  16. Learn a craft such as sewing, knitting, crocheting
    • I have often wanted to do something like this while watching TV or sitting around idle. Time to make it happen!
  17. Read the bible cover to cover
    • I will be looking for a read the bible in a year bible study to keep on track and possibly share with others.
  18. Summit Cerro Chirripo – Tallest peak in Costa Rica
  19. Go entire month without eating out
    • This includes fast food, take-out, and restaurants.
  20. Finish Cocori and Crónica de una muerte anunciada
    • I want to read more books in Spanish
  21. Be more aware of my words and their effect on people
    • Words have meaning and you impact other people with them. My choice is do I want that impact to be for good or for harm?
  22. Take dance classes with my wife
  23. Vegetarian Diet for a month
  24. Sing/Play music again regularly
    • Music is such a huge part of my being and what I like to do. I want to get back into a regular schedule of creating music
  25. Go to 4 concerts
    • I want to enjoy the art of others as well as create
  26. Create a blog that documents the completion of every item on this list - Pics or it didn’t happen.
    • First part CHECK - I know this might sound weird, but I am very bad at documenting things. My older friends will attest, I am terrible at keeping up with people. So this will also take focus and dedication to do.
Better World
  1. Host a Murder Mystery Party
    • If you are interested let me know!
  2. Encourage a total stranger when it appears they are having a bad day
    • The byproduct of this will be paying more attention to those around me, to step away from myself and truly pay attention to my surroundings. Looking for that one “starfish” to make a difference.
  3. Handwrite at least 16 letters to people I care about expressing my appreciation and love for them
    • “To express love now, not later.”
  4. Set up a free hugs booth 2 separate times.
  5. Raise $2500 for the MS Society
    • In honor of my Uncle Darren
  6. Raise $2500 for Strong Missions
    • To continue the work I have seen making a personal difference in the lives of people both from the US and Costa Rica.
  7. Volunteer or Raise $2500 for Pancreatic Cancer research
    • In memory of my Grandma Delvera Teske
  8. Volunteer at least 40 hours per year at a Food Pantry
  9. Volunteer at least 40 hours per year at a homeless shelter
  10. Volunteer at least 40 hours per year for political organizations or candidate that holds the same values as I do
  11. Volunteer 40 hours per year at a senior care facility
  12. Volunteer for Relay for Life in Mauston
  13. Volunteer for Ironman in Madison
  14. Secret one
    • I assume my wife will be the only one who reads this blog. I am planning something for her…Stay tuned
This is an ambitious undertaking to say the least, but I want a direction. I want a list of things that I can use to remind myself that there is a path, a goal, a hope for a better world. They say that life is what happens when you are busy making plans, and I know that this list is no exception. If nothing else the ability to look back and where I am today on my 36th birthday will help to see just how far I have come since then.